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上海管理论坛第263期(Jean Harvey 教授,加拿大魁北克大学)

2017年09月11日11:03     智库商学院     阅读量:

日期: 2017年09月17日 (星期日) 14:00



  题 目:复杂服务的质量管理 Quality Management on Complex Service

  演 讲 人:Jean Harvey,加拿大魁北克大学管理科学院教授

  主 持 人:刘虎沉,上海大学管理学院教授

  时 间:2017年9月17日(周日),下午2:00

  地 点:管理学院420室



  哈维博士是加拿大魁北克大学管理科学院商学研究生院的卓越运营教授和加拿大皇家银行金融服务管理联合主席。毕业于西安大略大学毅伟商学院,取得博士学位。他的主要研究方向是复杂服务的卓越运营,在这一领域他积累了丰富的实践经验,并且有很多著作。最近运营管理杂志(他是该杂志的客座编辑)为他出了特刊 (2016年3月),刊登专业性服务运营的文章。他的“复杂服务的交付过程——运行策略”是该领域的权威著作。他经常担任私营企业和公共组织的顾问,并在世界各地教授EMBA课程。


  Management thought was formed in an era dominated by manufacturing. Changing the mindset of managers to better fit the modern economy has been a long, tentative, and painful endeavor, and it is still ongoing. This topic is particularly important in China, whose economy and management thought has been strongly marked by its unprecedented surge to become a manufacturing behemoth. Leapfrogging from the current frame of mind to one that will keep China at the leading edge requires a deep understanding of the nature of services and of the chasm to be crossed between manufacturing excellence and service excellence. This conference aims to present an intuitive guided tour through the service gallery, from service, through complicated services, to complex services. Participants will gain a clearer perspective on the spectrum of services together with the associated leverage points available to managers.




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