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兰大管院讲座 | 建立联系——动荡时期的市场营销

2018年04月18日10:24     智库商学院     阅读量:

日期: 2018年04月19日 (星期四) 17:00-17:30



  应管理学院王学军副教授邀请,英国阿斯顿大学Geoff Heron副教授和Geoff Parkes教授将做客我院“雏鹰大讲堂”第十一期。欢迎广大师生届时参加!




  主讲人:英国阿斯顿大学 Geoff Parkes教授

  时间:2018年4月19日 17:00-17:30




  (I will take a marketing view of the changes in the external environment and how marketing led firms will take advantage of these opportunities for competitive advantage. I will give some examples and include a short overview of marketing strategy.)


  Geoffrey Heron,英国阿斯顿大学国际会计和金融项目主任,高级特任讲师,注册会计师、英格兰及威尔士特许会计师协会(ICAEW)会员。1984年毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学数学与统计学专业,1998年毕业于英国牛津大学,并获教育学硕士学位。曾任英国伯明翰城市大学ACCA和会计硕士和财务课程主任兼副教授(2005-2015)、英国牛津布鲁克斯大学应用会计课程主任和主讲师(2015-2018)。

  Geoff Heron is an Associate Professor who is the Director of International Programmes in Accounting and Finance at Aston University, Senior Teaching Fellow, Chartered Accountant (ACA) and member of ICAEW.He graduated from the University of Manchester in 1984 with a major in Mathematics and Statistics, and graduated from Oxford University in 1998 with a Master's Degree in Education.He was director of the ACCA and MSc Accounting and Finance Course of Birmingham City University (2005-2015) and Director of Applied Accounting Programmes of brookes university (2015-2018).

  Geoff Parkes,英国阿斯顿大学国际副校长。2015年以来,一直负责阿斯顿大学商学院的国际活动。主要研究领域是金融机构和小企业的融资渠道,特别是研究企业家的个性和行为特征以及其对企业融资策略的影响。主要教授课程有:战略营销管理,营销战略和市场营销等。

  Geoff is the Associate Pro Vice Chancellor International for Aston University. Since 2015 has been responsible for the business schools international activities. At Aston Geoff’s research interests examine access to finance and small firms, in particular studying personality and behavioural profiles of entrepreneurs and the impact this has on funding strategies. He teaches Strategic Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Marketing for the Entrepreneurial Firm.

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