Quality as the Business Strategy in Knowledge-based Economy
2014年06月18日16:36 智库商学院 阅读量:
日期: 2014年06月20日 (星期五) 19:00-21:00
地址:Main Building 241
- Speaker:Tang Loon Ching
- Profile:
Professor Tang Loon Ching is Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. He obtained a Ph.D degree in 1992 from Cornell University in the field of Operations Research with minors in Statistics and Civil Engineering. Prof Tang has published widely in more than 30 international peer-review journals, including IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Journal of Quality Technology, Naval Research Logistics and Queueing Systems. He is on the editorial review board of the Journal of Quality Technology and has been an active reviewer for a number of international journals. He has been consulted on problems demanding innovative applications of probability, statistics and other operations research techniques; and is also a well-known trainer in Six Sigma. He is the main author of the book, "Six Sigma: Advanced Tools for BB and MBB" (John Wiley). He is also the co-author of the book , “Markov-Modulated Processes and Semire generative Phenomena”.
- Introduction:
It has been said that a new world order is emerging after the financial tsunami. Notably, US has launched a manufacturing renaissance aiming to regain and fortify its leadership position in several key areas. The implication for other countries and corporations throughout the world is far-reaching. In this talk, we shall first examine the underlying drivers for change in the face of all the recent events. The importance of adopting a strong quality management philosophy is then expounded with the experience of Singapore as it transits into the knowledge-based economy in the last two decades. In the presentation, we also give some highlights of a study trip organized by the National University of Singapore for MBA students from Chinese Business School.
- Place:Main Building 241
- Time:June 20th, Friday, 19:00-21:00
点击立即报名 :https://ke.mbalib.com/pc/column/939?cid=1%3Ffrom_source%3Dsxylb
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