讲座:A theory of multi-tier ecolabel competition
2016年01月14日09:21 智库商学院 阅读量:
日期: 2016年01月20日 (星期三) 10:00-12:00
美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan)商学院与自然资源与环境学院教授Thomas P. Lyon将于1月20号来石油大学工商管理学院做学术报告。Thomas P. Lyon 教授本科毕业于普林斯顿大学,硕士和博士毕业于斯坦福大学,曾任密歇根大学Erb全球可持续发展研究中心(Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise)主任,目前是密歇根大学商学院与自然资源与环境学院可持续发展科学、技术与商业领域的DOW化学公司赞助的首席教授(Dow Chair of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce)。Thomas P. Lyon 教授研究领域主要集中在能源经济学、环境治理等方面,在Rand Journal of Economics,Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, The Energy Journal, Journal of Business Ethics 等国际A类或A-类期刊发表多篇学术论文。此次学术报告信息如下,欢迎各位老师和同学参加!
报告主题:A theory of multi-tier ecolabel competition
摘要:Certification schemes for credence goods like environmental attributes continue to grow in popularity. The literature has focused on labels that are binary in structure, but we present a theory in which the choice between multi-tier and binary labels is made strategically by competing label sponsors. We show that allowing for multi-tier labels can qualitatively change the nature of equilibria in ecolabel competition. Our theory explains how standard-setting organizations choose between these two forms, and compares the differing incentives of industry trade associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in setting standards. For either type of organization in autarky, multi-tier labels are more attractive when the number of producers with a low cost of quality is small and the cost gap between low-cost and high-cost firms is large. When the two types of organization compete using binary ecolabels, multiple equilibria may exist and the NGO may offer either the more ambitious label or the basic label; competition may provide either more or less environmental protection depending upon industry structure. When competition occurs using multi-tier labels, however, there exists a unique equilibrium pair of standards, and competition always provides less environmental protection than would the NGO in autarky.
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