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2017年12月26日10:36     智库商学院     阅读量:

日期: 2017年12月26日 (星期二) 13:30-15:00



  题 目:New View and Solution of Poverty Reduction Through Entrepreneurship: Chinese Experience (通过创业降低贫困的新观点和新方法:中国的经验)

  演 讲 人:吴 捷,澳门大学教授

  主 持 人:于晓宇,上海大学管理学院教授

  时 间:2017年12月26日(周二),下午1:30-3:00

  地 点:管理学院420室







  吴捷,澳门大学教授,博导,主要研究企业国际化、创新创业管理等。在Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of World Business, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, Long Range Planning, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Research in Marketing 等国际领先的SSCI期刊发表近50篇学术论文,兼任Asian Business and Management (SSCI)副主编等。


  1. Winner of the Best Conference Paper of the 2015 AIB-Northeast Frontier Meeting held at Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Oct. 22-24)

  2. Nominated by the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) for the Best Paper out of 102 submissions for the International Journal of Research in Marketing Special Issue on Marketing in Emerging Markets.

  3. Finalist for the Best Paper on emerging markets award by the George Washington University-Center for International Business Education and Research, Boston, U.S.A.

  4. Finalist for Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar(s) of the 2011 Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan.

  5. Nominated for the Best Conference Paper Prize of the 31st Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference in Miami, Florida, U.S.A.

  6. The Best Doctoral Paper Award of the 2008 Asia Academy of Management, Taipei, Taiwan.

   Research Grants

  1. Have attracted more than RMB 2 million of research funding

  2. Principle (Key) investigator for a number of national level research grants provided by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, etc.

  Social activities

  1. Associate editor of Asian Business and Management (SSCI)

  2. Reviewers for more than 20 internationally leading journals.

  3. The Chairman of Macau Innovation Strategy Associate

  4. The Chairman of Macau Education, Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy Association

  5. Senior consultant of Macau-Fujian-Taiwan Business Association


  Poverty reduction is the core subject of the building of a moderately prosperous China and an important goal for the development of global society. In addition, poverty reduction through entrepreneurship is a rather valuable research subject with insufficient theoretical or empirical studies. While the extant literature on poverty reduction focused on the external help from government or charity institutions, we argue that poverty reduction through entrepreneurship is an internal process which help the poor to transform their passive attitudes into positive actions on reducing poverty. In the current study we propose a model to analyze the existing poverty reduction approaches through entrepreneurship. By two essential dimensions of entrepreneurship (exogeneity/endogeneity and sustainability), we classified six types of entrepreneurship approaches into four categories and discussed their effects on poverty reduction respectively. This study is expected to extend the understanding of poverty reduction approaches through entrepreneurship theoretically and offer novel suggestions for poverty reduction practice worldwide.

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