Dr. Zheng is currently working as an assistant professor in the School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Hong Kong, and the associate director of the Centre for Asian Entrepreneurship and Business Values (CASEBV). He earned his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin Madison in 2006, majored in management and minored in economics.
Dr. Zheng has extensive teaching experience in entrepreneurship and strategic management. He has developed a few innovative teaching methods and novel courses at HKU such as Common Core Course on entrepreneurship. Dr. Zheng also advises HKU students on business plan competition and other entrepreneurial activities such as YDC Young Entrepreneur Challenge.
Research interests
His research interests primarily revolve around the nexus of strategic management and entrepreneurship. His work has been published at leading management and entrepreneurship journals such as Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Journal of Business Venturing (JBV), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Industrial and Corporate Change (ICC), and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ). He also serves the editorial board of AMJ, the most prestigious academic journal in management field