25教学楼A区3层Class C
主题:Does R&D Spending Respond to CSR for Society? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturers based on A Perspective of Idiosyncratic Risk
时间: 2017年11月15日 上午9:00-10:30
地点:25教学楼A区3层Class C
How R&D spending responds to corporatesocial responsibility (CSR) is an unexplored research question in the literature of innovation. The present study answers the question by proposing anovel perspective with respect to firm-idiosyncratic risk on equity market. A longitudinal analysis of 1,392 Chinese manufacturing firms listed on two major Chinese stock exchanges from 2012 to 2015 demonstrate that less R&D spending is associated with the increased rating on a firm’s CSR committed to society, and that the increased idiosyncratic risk on equity market mediates the negative effect of CSR on R&D. In addition, our study also finds that government ownership moderates the relationship between CSR performance and idiosyncratic risk: their positive association is stronger for state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.
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