




  题 目:大数据时代下的可持续发展科学重构:背景与挑战

  演 讲 人:张晓玲,香港城市大学博导、副教授(终身教职)

  主 持 人:陶 丽,上海大学管理学院讲师

  时 间:2017年12月8日(周五),上午10:00

  地 点:管理学院420室



  张晓玲,香港城市大学博士生导师,副教授(Tenured, 终身教职), 曾任国际SCI/SSCI双收录期刊Journal of Cleaner Production的Associate Editor。曾于2010年毕业于香港理工大学建筑与房地产学系,并于2011年执教于香港大学,后加入香港城市大学公共政策系。自2015年6月至2017年6月被聘为SCI期刊 Journal of Cleaner Production(2017影响因子:5.3)的主题编辑及副主编(Regional Sustainable Development Initiatives and Transformations),负责区域可持续发展与转型方向的审稿及定稿工作。同时担任多个SCI及SSCI 国际英文期刊的编委及审稿专家。主要研究方向为大数据视角下的可持续发展科学、区域可持续发展与转型、企业环境管理、能源经济及管理策略、可持续城镇化、地产及建筑企业可持续竞争优势等领域。

  作为一个具有经管学科背景的工学博士学者,她注重学科交融与跨学科研究探索,力图在可持续发展科学研究创新的同时,探索其相关管理及社会学意义,并研究应用推广的政策,已在Nature 子刊等发表近120篇SCI/SSCI学术论文,并获香港城市大学校长嘉许奖(President Award)和青年杰出研究学者奖(Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty)。曾应邀赴剑桥大学等海内外多所知名学府做短期的学术访问交流。目前正作为项目负责人承担若干项中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)和香港研究资助局项目(RGC);在香港目前正承担一项由香港环境署(ECF)资助的题为“基于社区的香港家庭碳排放减少的支付意愿与激励”的研究型项目。


  The sustainability science research field draws upon scholarly attempts from multiple academic corners, e.g. to rethink the interactions between nature and society, between the global and the local, and between technology and human being, etc. Inherently heterogeneous, if not fragmented, in scope and practice, the kaleidoscope nature of the “field” of sustainability science worries researchers and scientific practitioners in the past decades. In particular, China are experiencing an evolving, highly intertwined confluence of slowing-down growth, social polarization, aggravating urban pollution and resource drain, and spatial desolation from city to city, all of which speaks of the loom of an urban impasse, a barrier to sustainability. Moreover, the rapid growth of China is not only a dramatic implosion-explosion of society, economy and technology within China but also profoundly reshapes the political economy and ecology of the planet.

  It is therefore important to raise the fundamental questions regarding what the field of sustainability science is meant, how it is practiced, and how it should be pursued in future. Moreover, in light of the notable gap between rhetoric and practice in sustainability science, we may ask:

  ——How is sustainability science challenged? In what ways? Under what conditions? Locally and globally? – a relational and multi-scalar approach

  ——How is sustainability a right to the city that is contested and unevenly experienced across social groups and localities? How has this given rise to a new form of politics in Chinese cities? (inclusion vs. exclusion; privilege vs. omission)

  ——How, in turn, shall we conceptualize the distinctiveness of the Chinese way of sustainable urbanization in China?

  ——How, in turn, will the analysis shed light on sustainability science theories in general? especially in terms of the unique institutional context of China?

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