【3.1| 讲座预告】创新还是灭亡?知识型员工团队如何应对技术的动荡?
Innovative or die: How does technological turbulence affectknowledge-worker teams?

李福荔博士就职于西安交通大学管理学院组织管理系,教授、博士生导师,目前担任组织管理系系主任,拥有香港城市大学博士学位、中国 科学技术大学的博士学位,当前的主要研究领域包括创新管理、领导力、人力资源管理、跨文化管理、管理研究方法等。主持了国家自然科学面上基金、青年基金和教育部人文社科面上基金和青年基金。为多家企业提供咨询培训等服务,包括蒙牛(常温)集团、格迪、中威电子、521所、中熔电气、西拓电气等。并以第一作者或通讯作者已发表近二十篇国际高水平SSCI期刊论文,包括Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes、Personnel Psychology、 Journal of Organizational Behavior、Organizational Research Methods、Human Resource Management、Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology、Journal of Business Research、Journal of Business Psychology、Journal of Applied Social Psychology等。
We view knowledge-worker teams as open systems directly affected by the changes in the external environment. Drawing on the strategic contingency perspective of power, we propose and demonstrate that knowledge-worker teams need to engage intwo team processes—de-dependence on established team experts and new knowledge acquisition—to achieve high innovation performance when facing a turbulent technological environment. We conducted two field studies to test our hypotheses. Study 1 had a multi-source, multi-wave design involving 109 new product development teams in technology-intensive industries, and Study 2 had amulti-source, cross-lagged panel design involving 65 new product development teams in the information technology industry. Results based on the two field studies provide considerable support for our central hypotheses, i.e., the two team processes mediated the relationship between team perception of technological turbulence and team innovation performance. Moreover, team autonomy enhanced the two positive mediated relationships. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings on how and when knowledge-worker teams can reap the innovative benefits from environmental technological turbulence。
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