爱智拼、高颜值、口碑好的Access MBA老司机,长啥样?
让我们来感受下《Access MBA 中国巡展》:
Advent Group创建于2004年,旗下主打品牌有Access Master (研究生教育展) Access MBA (MBA教育展)。Prep Advisor(申请咨询 面试辅导) 以及meritsummit( 高管峰会) 我所在的Access MBA 至今在举办MBA教育展方面已经有12年的经验,公司三个办公室分别位于巴黎,索菲亚和蒙特利尔。每年在全球40多个城市举办活动70余场。致力于为顶尖商学院在全球范围的招生提供便利,也给MBA候选人带来直接与招生官一对一面谈的机会。活动仅接受线上注册入场,全程免费。本次活动对学校和候选人都采取双向筛选和匹配,力求保持活动的品质。参展人在会后还可以得到我们的Prep Advisor提供的咨询服务。今年是Access MBA来到中国的第六年,将开拓在台北的MBA教育展。
Long HU is a Chinese guy who is now living in Tokyo. He just graduated a few weeks ago and is currently looking for his next job, leveraging our local alumni and ESSEC Regional Office, which has been in Tokyo for 31 years, for exactly that reason. (LongHU 是居住在东京的ESSEC中国校友,他刚刚从ESSEC的MBA项目毕业,正在寻求新的机会。他住在东京是为了充分利用在东京成立已有31年的ESSEC东京校友会,能够助力他在当地的事业发展。今天我们有机会采访到他,让他带我们了解关于ESSEC MBA的更多信息。)
1.Admission requirements: GMAT, working experience, academic performance. What’s the minimum required and which one plays the most important role(录取要求:GMAT, 工作经验,学术表现,录取的时候有什么最低要求吗?哪一项最重要呢?)
For GMAT, the program doesn't require a minimum score explicitly. However, a competitive GMAT is expected from a successful candidate. The program requires at least 2 years working experience and good academic performance to be admitted successfully. The admission committee will take all application materials including GMAT, working experience and academic performance into consideration based on individual situation(ESSEC对GMAT没有明确的最低要求,但是GMAT高分是一个候选人成功的重要因素之一,项目要求至少两年的工作经验,以及在校期间成绩优秀。当然招生的时候会根据各个候选人的自身情况来衡量各个因素的权重。)
2.What is the advantage of ESSEC MBA compared to others, why would I do an MBA in France?(ESSEC MBA 与其他学校的项目相比有什么长处,为什么选择在法国读MBA?)
The biggest advantage is to have an intensive 12 months program from a prestigious European business school. (最大的好处就是在一所欧洲名校里面参与了12个月的密集课程。)
By spending only 12 months in a small-size class in both Paris and Singapore campuses with other important elements included in the program, this will be the real career boost for graduates to be outstanding in crowded job markets globally. France has been the innovation center for many specialized business education, such as entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality management and luxury management. The program provides not only the internship opportunities and company visiting to the best employers, but also one of the largest alumni network crossing industries. The graduates will have multiple options for their individual post-mba career plans. (ESSEC的MBA班级人数不多,这一年我和同学们在法国和新加坡的两个校区上课的同时,还有机会参加了很多重要的商业活动。这些经历都能够帮助我们在未来的职场脱颖而出。法国在很多自主创业,金融,酒店管理,奢侈品管理等行业的商业教育中都颇具创新精神。项目不仅会提供很多顶尖公司的实际机会,参观机会,更是有庞大的校友网络为毕业生就业作支撑。毕业以后的职业选择是很多的。)
3.Future employment chance and average salary expectation(就业前景如何?)
As mentioned above, the program is providing multiple options and career services throughout the full academical year when you are enrolled as a full-time student.In the past, some international students decided to pursue new job opportunities in France/EU, some of them decided to return to their home country. There are also some students who decide to go to third option such as African countries by following their own interests. Either choice when a graduate student made, the alumni organization will continue to support his or her needs in industries. Regarding average salary, I don't have the data.(正如我之前提到的,项目为学生提供很多机会,在一整个学年当中学校的就业中心也会一直为学生提供。过去一些国际学生选择留在法国(欧洲)或者回到自己的国家,但是也有很多人选择跟随自己的兴趣和职业发展机会,到非洲国家发展。但是无论未来在哪一个地方,校友会都会尽最大可能支持学生的。)
4.How to Fund an MBA( scholarship or loan policy at ESSEC)(怎么样资助我的MBA项目?)
The program provides a wide range of scholarship and other format of financing support. Please visit the website.(学校提供多样的奖学金计划和学业支持,学费等相关信息也可以在官网Funding栏目查到。)
想不想,获得学校和项目更全面的信息?Access MBA全球巡展,世界领先的一对一商务教育交流活动即将于11月3日在上海,11月5日在北京举办,←_←报名点击右侧链接,MBA智库作为协办参与此次活动。来注册Access MBA上海和北京的教育展,和招生官一对一面谈,更有GMAT和申请咨询专家帮助备考和申请,还有机会获得价值百万的奖学金。
- 主办:Access MBA
- 协办:MBA智库
本文Access MBA供稿,转载请注明来源:MBA智库商学院(mbalib-mba)