主题:Creativity and Business Innovation – Business Education, Promises and Challenges
The course aims to put you in a lateral mindset where you can both leverage and challenge the conventional wisdom to think creatively to discover new opportunities, ask the right questions in order to identify the right problems and explore the trade-offs involved in your decisions to design elegant and well-articulated solutions. The course aims to encourage you think differently than an average manager.
嘉宾:Prof. Ali Farhoomand, The University of Hong Kong
Ali Farhoomand is Professor of Innovation and Information Management and the founding Director of Asia Case Research at The University of Hong Kong School of Business. He has taught and conducted research in universities across the globe, including executive development programs at Oxford and INSEAD and as a Visiting Scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management. He has been a consultant for the government as well as large companies. A three-time winner of the Society for Information Management Paper Award, Ali has written several books, published numerous academic articles and developed 125 business case studies, over half a million copies of which distributed worldwide through Harvard Business Publishing and other outlets. He is the creator and executive producer of the popular FocusAsia Business Leaders series, which was aired by BBC World, PBS and Asia News Network. Ali is recipient of several teaching awards including The University of Hong Kong Outstanding Teaching Award. For hobby, he dabbles in painting, plays drums and engages in armchair philosophy.
- 1998年开办,暨首批获得国务院学位办批准的内地高校与港澳台地区高校合作的MBA学位教育项目
- 2001年在国务院学位办组织的“授予境外学位的合作办学项目评估”中成绩全优,获得一致好评
- 2012年参加英国《金融时报》全球EMBA项目排名,位列第54位,非全日制MBA项目第6位
- 开设IMBA(in General Stream)、IMBA(in Executive Stream)两个子项目,细分群体、创造价值。
- 毕业生网络庞大,迄今已有2500多名毕业生遍布各省市,均为企业的中高层管理人员
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