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2017年12月01日10:17     智库商学院     阅读量:

日期: 2017年12月04日 (星期一) 13:30



  主题:Airport, Market Access and Local Economic Performance: Evidence from China



  时间: 2017年12月4日 中午13:30



  武文杰博士是英国赫瑞瓦特大学终身副教授。曾任英国格拉斯哥大学讲师。他于伦敦政治经济学院获得博士学位。兼任英国伦敦政治经济学院空间经济研究中心客座研究员、格拉斯哥大学城市大数据中心联合创始人、暨南大学讲座教授、上海交通大学中国城市治理研究院特约研究员等。他曾为世界银行提供咨询服务。研究领域是城市与房地产的空间经济应用研究,包括交通等社会基础设施、区位和城市发展相关的研究。研究发表在Annals of the Association of American Geographers, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Comparative Economics, Urban Studies, Land Use Policy, Journal of Regional Science等国际期刊。其英文专著Economics of Planning Policies in China: Infrastructure, Locationand Cities获Routledge出版社出版。武博士服务于中国国际规划协会(International Association for China Planning),任欧洲区主任。武博士作为客座主编,编辑2本SSCI期刊(Housing, Theory and Society,Urban Policy and Research)的专刊。


  In this paper we study the effect of airport son local economic performance that arises from better access to domestic markets, using China’s recent rapid air network expansion. We estimate the effects of the implied changes in access to population on measures of economic performance using a panel of counties built from administrative records and micro data on industrial firms.To mitigate endogeneity concerns we focus on asubsample of‘incidentally’affected counties, whose location midway between existing and new airports implies they not were explicitly targeted for development nor directly affected by airport operations. We also decompose market access into land-side and air-side components. Our key finding is that improved population access due to land-side distance reductions to airport sincreased industrial output and GDP, with an elasticity of around 0.25. Aninstrumental variables strategy exploiting conversion of historical military airports to civil use yields higher elasticities.

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